Lilies and Carnations, 2023, animation.
The 90th Anniversary of Turku Printmakers Association - Printed Worlds
Printed Worlds, the 90th anniversary exhibition of Turku Printmakers Association provides an overview of the current state and methods of printmaking in Turku and the rest of Finland. The exhibition has been curated by artist, printmaker Juha Joro, and it includes works by twelve members of Turku Printmakers Association: Annika Dahlsten, Markku Haanpää, Katri Ikävalko, Sirkku Ketola, Heli Kurunsaari, Miina Laine, Teija Lehto, Sara Manninen, Laura Miettinen, Tiina Vainio, Hanna Varis and Jirko Viljanen. The exhibition sheds light on the special nature of printmaking as a visual art form, and some of the techniques date back hundreds of years.
More about the exhibition here.
More about the exhibition here.
Nocturnal Butterfly, animation, 2015. Photo: Viivi Björklund.
nature morte - still alive. Zeitgenössische Stillleben in der finnischen Kunst
Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany. 18.9. - 27.11.2022. More about the exhibition here.

VANITAS, Turku castle 22.4.2021-29.5.2022
The exhibition is a collection exhibition of Museum Centre of Turku, and it features the museum’s wonderful collections of items and works of art as well as treasures from the archives. The animation "Nocturnal Butterfly" is part of the exhibition. More about Vanitas exhibition here.
Classic Works of Fine Art at the Manor contains a wide selection of the most beautiful pieces from the Fine Art Foundation's collection and the new acquisitions. The animation "Nocturnal Butterfly" is part of the exhibition. More about exhibition here.
Nocturnal Butterfly from Annika Dahlsten on Vimeo.
Nocturnal Butterfly now public on Vimeo! Latest screening in Anima - Le International Festival du Film d'Animation de Bruxelles 21.2. - 1.3.2020
XXI Mäntän kuvataideviikot / XXI Mänttä Art Festival
Kommandona / Going Commando
Mänttä 12.6. - 31.8.2016
Curated by Anssi kasitonni.
Participating artists: Liisa Ahlfors, Annika Dahlsten, Hannaleena Heiska, Kalevi Helvetti, Lucy Liu (USA) and more.
Turku Printmakers
MEKEN, Smedjebacken, Dalarna, Sweden 3. - 30.4.2016
Lappeenranta 13.2. - 29.3.2016
Exhibition of Finnish contemporary art organised in Lappeenranta old town theatre - 5000m2 of space, free hands for artists.
Curated by Jouko Lempinen.
Participating artists: Annika Dahlsten, Markku Laakso, Maria Teeri & Janne Nabb, Laura Vainikka, Kimmo Ylönen and more.
Annika Dahlsten & Markku Laakso: Jump in Diorama
Gallery Joella, Turku 4.2. - 28.2.2016
Sámi Contemporary
Nordische Botschaft, Berlin 2.7. - 27.9.2015
Curated by Riitta Kuusikko (Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland) & Jan-Erik Lundström (Norrbottens Art Museum, Sweden).